These solutions are how I was able to stop building someone else’s dream...and start building my own...
FREE BOOK! Behind the Grit
“Finding Your Identity While Rising from the Ashes”
This book offers 15 Tested Solutions to Building
a Flourishing Business from the Ground Up!
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These solutions are how I was able to stop building someone else’s dream...and start building my own...
FREE BOOK! Behind the Grit
“Finding Your Identity While Rising from the Ashes”
This book offers 15 Tested Solutions to Building a Flourishing Business from the Ground Up!
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BEHIND THE GRIT ISN’T JUST ANOTHER “BUSINESS BOOK”...It’s your realistic blueprint to getting out of your comfort zone, tackling challenges head-on, and shattering glass ceilings.

About the Author

I wrote this book because I’ve battled through obstacle after obstacle while building my business and the only reason I didn’t give up is because I developed grit. I want to share my journey from falling, to fighting, to flourishing so you can tackle the challenges you face with the same level of resilience. 

for those who:

Feel they’re stuck and their problems are insurmountable...
Believe they have something more to give the world but don’t know how to do it...
Don’t have enough tenacity to bounce back from set-backs with confidence …
Can’t get enough traction even though they’re doing everything “right”…
Grind day in and day out with little to no results to show for it...
Are looking to rise into your personal greatness, to own your worth, and start living your life, on your terms!

About this book on



How to let go of ego and build resourcefulness... (Even hitting rock bottom won’t be able to keep you down once you discover how to lean into the mess and come out on top in this chapter. )
How to grow and scale your business in a digital world... (Shed the rose-colored glasses of what building a successful business looks like and learn how to do it for real in this chapter.)
Avoid emptiness by choosing a meaningful business... (Discover how to avoid, or get out of a “vanity-based business” so you can build an extravagant, fulfilling and successful business that you LOVE!)
How to Dive into Your Passion… (Discover how to follow your passion to get the money rolling in...and keep it multiplying.)
How to avoid financial missteps that lead to chaos... (In this chapter, find out how being in-the-know about everything going on in your business is paramount to prosperity.)
Why Mindset Matters... (Failure is an inevitable part of success. Here you’ll find out how to fail fast and bounce back without wasting time wallowing.)
How to set yourself apart... (Discover how to own your worth and unleash your authentic self without playing the comparison game.)

That's Not Even Half of What
this Book Has to Offer!

Get The Book For FREE And Discover Even More Lessons That Will Help You Start Building Your Own Extravagant Dream TODAY.

Grab Your FREE Copy Before This Offer Goes Away For GOOD!

This book will show you how you can step out of your comfort zone, tackle challenges head on, and shatter glass ceilings through Grit and Resilience.
Disclaimer: The testimonies mentioned above are the result of highly committed clients who do ALL the work, having the willingness to change & grow, and learning from mistakes. These testimonies are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.